Hey, my name is Priscilla Prasad, and I’m a certified personal trainer. I specialise in building lean muscle mass and stubborn fat burn through strength training.

With the circuit breaker/semi-lockdown in place now, and especially with the extension, I figured what better time it would be to create a week’s worth of workouts for you to do, with most of us working from home and having our bottoms glued to a chair or sofa the entire day.
Perfect 30min(+)* workouts, little to no equipment necessary, all within the comfort of your own home. I went live on my Facebook page daily last week, and here’s how it went:

Day 1: Your chest, shoulder and triceps will be the main focus here. All the aforementioned muscles work in sync to make one another stronger. These exercises work your ‘push’ muscles.

Day 2: Leg day; You either love it or hate it, but you gotta do it anyway. Calisthenics and plyometrics here replace the need for weights. You should be thankful if you can walk the next day.

Day 3: Abs! We all have abs. Some are just a little shy. Scrap the notion of training abs just for the aesthetics. Your abs are your support system. I’ll be explaining the whys in this video.

Day 4: Get your sexy back! As muscles we don’t engage on the daily, strengthening your back is important for both your overall physique and mental state. Fix your posture, stand a little taller, and become more aware of your body.

Day 5: Hips don’t lie. No they don’t. This ball-and-socket joint is the largest and strongest(if you keep it that way) one in your body — and also the most neglected. We use them every day, yet forget they exist, and wonder why we have aches and pains. The following exercises will show you how important they are and how to strengthen them.

Day 6: Times have been tough, but why be moody when you can shake that booty? Here’s how to build strength and mass in your glutes and get your signature peach. The booty burn is gonna be real.

Day 7: Cardio. Some swear by it, some avoid it at all cost. These are some good ways to max out your calorie burn for the week. Time to hit the accelerator. This is the final day of the CB workout challenge. Get ready for a good sweat.

Each day’s routine is carefully curated to target certain parts of your body, such that it will be possible to keep going consecutive days and not overwork your muscles. Surpass your boundaries. Some days will be tough, but as you know, that’s when the tough gets going.
Throw your excuses out the window. Stick through and give it your 110%. Give yourself a reason for getting up in the morning. As Mark Twain once said: “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” You know what I mean. It only gets better.



“It’s been 12 years since I’ve been into fitness and personal wellness. This runs alongside 9 years of experience in the F&B industry.
Throughout this time, i’ve undergone several ups and downs. My own experiences with restrictive eating habits, over-exercising, poor self-esteem and coming in and out of being a hormonal mess has helped me identify them in others as well. Making relevant changes to my lifestyle boosted my confidence levels and made me less easily manipulated. I felt that if I could be the voice of reason for someone else the way I wish I heard that voice, I could certainly make a difference in someone else’s life.
As a certified personal trainer under Gold’s Gym, my duty is to enable you to bring out the best version of yourself. On the side, I also run an online bakery that caters to both healthy and cheat day treats *sniggers*. Ironic much? Well, I am a strong believer in balance. It is the only way to be happy in life while achieving your goals!”




  • Establish your personal goal setting
  • Conduct nutritional assessment
  • Measure body fat percentage %
  • Identify problem areas
  • Carry out customized workout
  • Offer expert advice & training supervision


There’s so much misinformation out there about fat loss and unsustainable diets that leave you feeling down in the dumps. Crash dieting, a crazy amount of cardio and whatnot. Are you putting in all that effort and getting little no results? That’s exactly what Priscilla is here to help you with, to create a game plan for your specific body type. Take it from someone who’s been down that unforgiving path, survived and conquered it.
Let Pris show you how to burn that stubborn fat and keep it off, while enjoying food and training.