To transfer a helper directly, both the new and current employer must carry out certain steps

If you are the current employer

You need to:

  1. Send the helper for her 6-monthly medical examination if you have not done so.
  2. Sign the declaration form attached to the IPA(in-principle-approval) letter given by the new employer or employment agent, confirming you agree to the transfer.
  3. Pay the levy up till the date of transfer. You must continue to pay levy even if you sent the helper back to the employment agency while she waits for the transfer.
  4. Wait for the new employer to issue her Work Permit. Once this is done, we will automatically cancel her current Work Permit and stop your levy billing.
  5. Return her Work Permit card within 1 week of the transfer by posting it to Work Pass Division. Ministry of Manpower, 18 Havelock Road, Singapore 059764

We will discharge the security bond 1 week after the helper starts working for the new employer. We will inform you by post when the security bond is discharged.

If you are the new employer

You need to carry out these steps in sequence. Take note that the first 2 steps need to be completed 30 days before the helper’s Work Permit expires.

Step 1

Check with the current employer that the helper has gone for her 6-monthly medical examination.
When to do it: At least 30 days before the helper’s Work Permit expires
Result: Ensure that the helper has done her 6-monthly medical examination.

Step 2

Get the current employer’s written consent on the transfer. Apply for the new Work Permit.
When to do it: At least 30 days before the helper’s Work Permit expires
Result: Receive outcome and IPA(in-principle-approval) (within 1 week).
The IPA will state the transfer date, which is the date you need to get the new Work Permit issued.

Step 3

Log in to print a copy of the Declaration form.
Sign it and ensure the current employer and helper signs it as well.
When to do it: When you receive the IPA(in-principle-approval)
Result: A declaration form that is signed by you, the current employer, and the helper.

Step 4

Log in to get the pass issued online, upload the declaration form and print the Temporary Work Permit TWP (Training Work Permit).
When to do it: Transfer date
Result: Give your helper the TWP so that she can start working for you.
Her previous Work Permit will be automatically canceled.

Change the transfer date

Processing time: Immediate
As the new employer, you can request to change the transfer date if both you and the current employer agree to it.
You can delay the transfer date by:
Extending the in-principle approval (IPA) validity using our FWD eService.
Print out the updated IPA letter which will show the new transfer date.

Source: Ministry of Manpower