Be Transported To Some Of The World’s Most Dynamic Drylands And Deserts.

Take a walk through the Sun Pavilion and marvel at the amazing desert-like landscapes. With over 1,000 desert plants comprising some 100 different species and varieties, the Sun Pavilion is nothing short of extraordinary.

Open daily | 5 am – 2 am | Free admission | Gardens by the Bay



These large succulents look like cacti but they actually belong to the rubber tree family. They produce tonic latex to protect themselves against hungry predators that may want to munch into their moisture-rich tissues.


Among the different types of Pincushion (Mammillaria spp.) cacti displayed are these special horticultural cultivars (Mammillaria elongata ‘Monstruosa’). Selected from plants that have lost their ability to grow in length, these plants become ‘cristate’, growing sideways instead to create this curious brain-like cactus.


These spectacular plants are capable of surviving for months without rain. The ribs running down their bulky trunks adapt to survive in dry climates, allowing them to expand and contract in accordance to their water absoption needs.


The Brazilian species of Turk’s Cap (Melocatcus spp.) is an amazing sight. It starts off as a green and shiny ball but when it is about to flower, a special structure resembling a cap develops on top of the plant, hence its name.