Your Indonesia - Singapore Guide

Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Singapore

Business Indonesia Singapore Association (BISA)

Indonesian Business Center (IBC)

Indonesia Investment Promotion Center (IIPC) Singapore

Indonesian Professionals Association (IPA) Singapore

Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) - Singapura

IAI is the only Indonesian Architects association recognized by Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA)

Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Singapura - PPIS

Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Indonesia Singapura - FKMIS

IPA Toastmasters

IPA Toastmaster is a non-profit Toastmasters Club under the Indonesian Professionals' Association

Persatuan Wanita Indonesia Singapura

IFN-Indonesian Family Network Singapore

Penata Laksana Rumah Tangga Indonesia Singapura (HPLRTIS)

Rumah Budaya Indonesia Singapura

Eka Suwara Santhi - Singapore's only Balinese Dance Group

There are currently no events.

Sekolah Indonesia (Singapura) Ltd.

Learn Indonesian Asia

Indotutors Indonesian Language School in Singpoare

Singapore Indonesian Badminton - SInBad

Hairdreams Couture Salon

At Hairdreams, every stylist has been educated by European master trainers, offering a wide range of services and specialise in the art of natural hair extensions.

Indonesian Family Church - IFC Singapore

SingaporeGereja Indonesia di Singapore | Gereja Oikos | IFC Singapore

IMAS - Indonesian Muslim Association in Singapore

Keluarga Katolik Indonesia di Singapura (KKIS)

The Indonesian Catholic Community in Singapore (KKIS)

Indonesian Buddhist Community (IBC) in Singapore

Mosques in Singapore

Wonderful Indonesia

Local Delicacies to try in Indonesia

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Jakarta

Singaporean Consulate in Batam, Indonesia

Singapore Chamber of Commerce Indonesia

Singapore Association in Indonesia (SAI)